Posts tagged with: Drupal 8
Developers often want to use Configuration Management outside its intended use case. New workflows and practices have to be established. We've just presented a gallery of problems and solutions at DrupalCon Dublin 2016. The room was packed, and many people were denied admission for security reasons. For them, and for those who didn't manage to come to this DrupalCon, we are making the full presentation available here:
Read full articleThis post is an excerpt from the topics covered by our DrupalCon Dublin training: Drupal 8 Development - Workflows and Tools. For the last two years we have been giving trainings and presentations at various Drupal events about configuration management and its new workflows in Drupal 8. One of the recurring questions has been:
Read full articleThis post is an excerpt from the topics covered by our DrupalCon Dublin training: Drupal 8 Development - Workflows and Tools.
Read full articleDrupalaton in Hungary last weekend gave the opportunity for a 90 minutes workshop about Configuration Management (CMI) and how it changes a Drupal developers work flow with the coming Drupal 8.
Read full articleFeatures for Drupal 8 will exist and it is already in alpha state. This may be surprising to some, given the partial overlap with Configuration Management: but Features and Configuration Management will complement each other in Drupal 8 if both are used the right way.
Read full articleOur new An Effective Development Workflow in Drupal 8 training just made its debut at DrupalCon Amsterdam.
Read full articleOne of the new key features of Drupal 8 is the possibility to deal with configuration in code. Since configuration is now in text files, we want to put it under version control in Git to enjoy the many advantages this brings: comparing configuration states, keeping a history of configuration changes and even moving configuration between sites.
Read full articleConfiguration Management in Drupal 8 elegantly solves staging configuration between different environments but it still misses the ability to package configuration into separates modules for later reuse. A patched version of the Configuration development module helps addressing that!
Read full articleNuvole gave two talks about the current status of Configuration Management in Drupal 8 at European Drupal events in the last few weeks: Drupal Days Milan 2014 and Drupal Camp Alpe Adria 2014. Developers attending the events were mostly interested in how the future Drupal 8 Configuration Management capabilities will compare to Drupal 7, with and without the Features module.
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