Code-driven Drupal Development
Duration: 12 hours Training materials: slides, code samples Prerequisites: some experience with developing Drupal modules, familiarity with Drush, a general understanding of Linux-based systems
The Power of Code-Driven Development
- Code, configuration and content
- Issues in distributed development
- Issues in upgrading a production site
- Database dumps and their shortcomings
- Faster development with Drush
Basic Work with Features
- The Features module
- Creating a Feature
- Maintaining a Feature
- A closer look at the Features engine
Working with Multiple Features
- An efficient directory structure
- Features boundaries
- Avoiding transversal Features
- Naming conventions: Kit
Making Configuration Exportable
- Items exportable out of the box
- Direct integration: the Features API
- The CTools module: exportables
- The Entity API
- Example: the Strongarm module
Project Bootstrap
- Managing every site as a distribution
- Makefiles and Drush Make
- Installation profiles and their customization
- Hard and soft configuration
The Code-Driven Workflow
- Updating Features as modules
- Updating sites/distributions using the install profile
- Handling concurrent developments on the same site
- Structural and incremental updates
Advanced topics and guided examples
- Building truly modular features
- Features inheritance
- Overriding existing Features
- Deploying a Features server
Please contact us for more information.